Fly machines API slow/unresponsive
Incident Report for
This incident is now resolved.
Posted Sep 13, 2024 - 18:34 UTC
After reverting the suspect changes, our metrics indicate service recovery. The Machines API is now operating normally. We are monitoring for any lingering issues.
Posted Sep 13, 2024 - 18:04 UTC
We've identified the problematic change and are performing a rollback to restore service.
Posted Sep 13, 2024 - 17:56 UTC
Fly API operations are currently slow or failing, we're investigating the cause.

This will affect most operations that rely in the machines API, including starting Fly builders, deploying, creating/destroying machines, querying machine or volume data via the API.

Existing, running apps and machines are not affected and continue to serve normally.
Posted Sep 13, 2024 - 17:47 UTC
This incident affected: Machines API and Remote Builds.